It’s been as good as it gets lately. Went back straight to the same zone , slowed the boat, trollled the yummy and passed a couple schools that didn’t bite. So I then reeled it all back in and sent out a dead flyer. For whatever reason…we started out with 6 bites and no fish stuck. We used 5 flyers already with no fish. But hey it Happens. Then eventually we connected while slow trolling a dead flyer at 2 knotts on no meter marks. While fighting the fish, we set out another dead flyer (we always do this ), and connected on another. We ended up getting a couple more bites but just couldn’t connect! It happens. But we still ended our day with 2. Just a heads up! Looks like we have some major weather coming next week. I’m suppose to run all week but now may have some cancellations. Still in the same zone of 32 02, 118 59. I’m off for next 3 days. Let me know how I can help!