Its getting to that time of year where not many are fishing and to be honest….its my favorite time. Â Me and my buddies wanted to take another swing at these fish. Â Heading out with little expectation, we were later surprised with a trip of a lifetime. Less boats, less pressure and the ocean is always full of surprises. Â Sure there will be slow days and this proved to be one of them. Â We could not connect at all after 8 hours of fishing…but it only took one single bite to completely changed our day. Â On a slow trolled mac on 60b line with a 1/0 ringed circle hook, our day has changed. We knew we were hooked up into something big but not quite sure what. Almost 2 hours had past and the rod went around for everyone to pull. Gaffed the giant bluefin which taped at over 200 pounds and we were at loss for words….. another great trip in the books……….members section will have more detailed reports with GPS numbers, bite times, tackle and bait recommendations included 😉