Its June 10th and rumors of big bluefin have reached out local grounds with in 30 miles; around the 302. Â Paddies were holding some quality yellowtail and figured I would go find those in the morning to get some fish in the bag. Â Paddies were holding some quality yellowtail and figured I would go find those in the morning to get some fish in the bag.
Paddies were easy to find and luckily they were holding.
Paddies were easy to find and luckily they were holding. After a few hours of doing that, found a zone that seemed to be marking the right kind. Â Put up the kite and we were rewarded with our first big bluefin of the year. Not the biggest, but certainly a fish to be proud of………..members section will have more detailed reports with GPS numbers, bite times, tackle and bait recommendations included 😉